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We see how the earth moves strongly in Japan, Chile, Mexico, California, Caribbean Islands, Haiti, Cuba. We also see the Mediterranean Coast, Countries, Portugal, Italy, Greece, the entire Fire Belt. Volcanoes will be activated in a very strong way.
In Northern California, the Yellowstone Volcano begins to activate. Underground Cities Prepare to Emerge Dimensionally From Within. We say emerge, but it’s really relocate. With humanity and planet in this dimension of the Underground Cities of love and light.
Cyprus, Suriname, Indonesia, very strong activity. Argentina towards Mendoza, in those sectors. The planet’s electromagnetic field is still pretty much involved let’s just say, a little blurred. Earth’s axis changing, very intense energies entering the planet.
Beloved, we have indicated to you that this year 2025 will be the definitive, definitive year in all this process.
We tell you all, here we are your Brothers. The Brothers Guardians of the Planet attending. They will be situations as we have been telling you, of timely rescues, very localized. And all Ready Commands, prepared for any situation that arises, that there is a need to evacuate from the planet the inhabitants, the beings of light.
We’ve explained this to you before.
We tell you this not to be afraid, no, but to be prepared and attentive, to be alert in their places, in their places. Emergency situations may be presented in your areas.
We from here work and work to assist and help them. But there is work that ye shall do in yourselves, ye shall prepare. The destiny or the place where you are going to be will depend on you, your vibration, your frequency, your energy.
We have all your Star Families monitored. But those who do not yet hear this calling, this warning, will follow as if nothing happened and will be taken to other places to continue their process, until they become conscious, awaken and understand the universal truths.
Well beloved, this was the information I was bringing you. I bless them I bid farewell.
I Am Ashtar Sheran, Inverential Peace.
I love you my beloved ones.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -01/01/2025