Remind them of who they are at their deepest core; that their heart is the real source of healing, nourishment, and true power. Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings! I am Mi-ka-el, Archangel of Love and Bringer of the Truth, Warrior of Light and Peace, your brother, your protector, your family.
I come in love and gratitude for your service, for your fortitude and valor, for your commitment to your Divine Plan, and for your service to the Mother and to all. I come to bring you my love and strength, and to reiterate the fact that you are doing a marvelous job, not by the means of how you are doing it, but by the truth of who you are.
I am extremely pleased to see how fast you have come to realize that when you
You have been told that as warriors of peace it doesn’t necessarily mean that you sit in your comfort zones, isolated and undisturbed by the turmoil and the chaos around you. Yes, you can always intend and send love to the most disturbed and affected areas, being war, man-made destruction, or any other type of natural calamity – storms, uncontrollable fires, or earthquakes. And do not underestimate the effect that you have on the course of those events, because it is tremendous.
But it is the day-by-day interactions, and for many of you, the nighttime traveling and intercommunications that are the fastest and most efficient ways of reaching the ones that are in so much pain and
And what do you do as my warriors of love and light? What is it that the bravest servants of the Mother do when confronted with these encounters?
Dear hearts, what you do is you set firm boundaries, with strength and kindness but, nevertheless, unwavering ones! And, after placing the light on their less than loving intentions, you declare that these are “no-no” events, for they are neither permissible nor allowable under the Nova Earth’s rules of love and freedom!
You proclaim and assert that you are setting clear “no trespassing signs” around yourselves, and around your entire soul family! Then you bring them in through the “front door,” and open your beautiful hearts to them. You listen to what they have to say, and you send them your love, the Love of the Mother that flows abundantly through thee. You beam the most generous flow of love directly into their aching and thirsty hearts, for they have been waiting for it for a long time. You show them how to do it from now on, living in the new world of love; for it is only in the heart that the real source of healing, nourishment, and true power resides.
This is the way you bring them the hope for a new and brighter life. You are now planting new seeds of love, and you reach out to them to reignite the light that is hidden deep down inside their closed and helpless hearts.
Then your work is done, for you do not have to take them under your care, you leave them under my care, and under their own heavenly guidance.
Understand that this is the way you forge new pathways, bringing and shining your light into the deepest places of the Earth, and into the collective human consciousness, effortlessly reaching one soul at a time.
As you see, the ones in need will find you dear hearts, and the manner in which they come to you is less important, for whether they are asking for help in a direct way or in a more covert one, it matters not, what counts is the fact that you recognize the cry for assistance. It is your task as the warriors of the light to see that everyone coming to you is asking for love and acceptance, and in fact, everyone wants to find their way back home into the heart of the Mother/Father/One.
You are the way-showers, you are the ones demonstrating love in action and the simple way home, through fair play, forgiveness, and love.
Know that I am always with you! You are loved and cherished beyond measure! Farewell.
By permission.
©2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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