The Blue Avians: Achieving Trust

The Blue Avians: Achieving Trust

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Greetings to all of you. We are delighted to establish a connection with you again, and we truly hope that our messages nourish your soul and bring you back home.

We would like to see you joyful and relaxed, remembering that you are always taken care of. Surrender.

So today, we bring a few tips on how you can achieve that level of trust more effectively.

First, note that any negative thought you believe in will create something accordingly in your reality—a reflection of it. But what you actually want is not to fight the thought, nor to believe in it, but rather to get to its roots. The root of it is always a vibration, which is expressed as an emotion (energy in motion). When the energy is not accepted, it gets stuck (stored) in your body.

It is simple to change a pattern by following these steps:

✨Do not follow the mind—do not engage with the thoughts—though be aware of them.

✨See the feelings beyond the thought.

✨Stay with the feeling—observe it like a doctor observing a wound, with full objectivity and acceptance.

That’s all. In this way, the energy starts flowing again, transforming into something else as it is meant to do. Know that this is how you can change any mindset or belief. It seems difficult because you try to change it from its surface, but you never destroy the roots. Change the energy by accepting it, and the pattern can be easily reprogrammed. Try it out, and let us know!

We will provide all the necessary support for you to create this change. You are ready to free yourself from the illusory cage.

Interrupt a pattern, and you start creating new neural pathways; creativity opens up, and life becomes so much more joyful. Be ready to be truly happy—in flow with the divine energy that wants to carry you with grace and love.

We are here to offer all our help, along with so many others who are ready to even incarnate on Earth once again.

Are you ready to receive our help?

Affirm: “I wish to experience the change that will serve my highest purpose and to receive all the necessary cosmic support. I call upon the Blue Avians and all the beings of the purest light and love to help me. May it be so for the highest benefit of all.”

Your heart knows the truth—listen to it.

May you all experience timeless love.