By Diana Cooper

Excerpted from Diana Cooper’s March 2016 Newsletter, http://www.dianacooper.com/diana-coopers-march-2016-newsletter/


Unicorn healing and release of karmic wounds

So if you are blocked because of a soul wound from this life or any other, you may like to do this exercise with the unicorns from the book Tim Whild and I co-wrote, The Archangel Guide to Ascension

  1. Connect with your unicorn.
  2. Ask it to give you the healing you need. ‘Beloved Unicorn, I ask you to pour your light into me, healing me physically, emotionally, mentally and at a deep soul level.  I am ready to receive.’
  3. Your unicorn bends its head and touches your heart with its horn of light.   The seventh dimensional energy is pouring through your physical, emotional and mental body.  It is touching your soul now. Breathe in the shimmering white light and feel it flowing through you. Your fifth dimensional merkabah is lighting up like a glittering star around you.
  4. Ask your unicorn to heal any karmic wounds you may have from this or any other life.  ‘Beloved Unicorn, I pray for the healing of any karmic wounds I may carry consciously or unconsciously.  It is done.’  Feel the shower of light streaming over and through you.
  5. Ask your unicorn to heal any family karmic wounds you may have from this or any other life.  ‘Beloved Unicorn, I pray for the healing of any karmic wounds within my family that we may carry consciously or unconsciously.  It is done.’  Feel the shower of light streaming over and through you and your family including your ancestors.
  6. Ask your unicorn to heal any karmic wounds that your country may hold from recent times or ancient history.  ‘Beloved Unicorn, I pray for the healing of any karmic wounds within my country.  It is done.’  Visualise the shower of light streaming over and through your entire country, deep into the land itself.
  7. Thank your unicorn for all you have received.

Tim and I facilitated a fabulous, very high frequency seminar in Bournemouth on recently and the unicorns asked us to present an exercise where the participants worked in pairs to pull the unicorn energy down through each other.  And as they did so the unicorns highlighted and healed any karmic wounds they held.  This was very powerful and everyone lit up with pure white sparkling light.

We really do live in exciting times.



Powerful Solar and Lunar influences in the next month
The next new moon is on Wednesday 9th March and there is also a total solar eclipse on this day. Powerful times! The new moon represents new beginnings and the solar eclipse also heralds the end of the old and start of the new. This time we will receive a double dose of this push from the universe. We may be shoved into moving, changing or healing.

The Equinox is on 20th March and this is always a special time to bring forward the new as it means the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next one. Then the first of six supermoons in 2016 will be on 23rd March, with a partial lunar eclipse.

This solar eclipse focuses on the healing of a deep wound in your soul. The time is now to heal and let go and the mighty unicorns are ready and waiting to help you.



To choose your card for today, simply click on your chosen deck of cards. A single card will then be selected at random for you. If you wish to purchase any of these sets of cards, you can do sohere.



Energy Update: March 2016 – Into the Deep By Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou

Do you have this feeling that you have been thrown into the deep waters? And that there is no clear sign to guide you to the other side? Now is the time to swim into the deep ocean of your soul!

On the 22nd of February we experienced a powerful full moon which has stirred up some really deep things. It is very likely to find yourself sailing in unmapped waters or walking in a foggy and unknown ground.

The metaphor of the deep ocean and the fluid like state can help us in bringing more understanding as to what we experience now. You may be feeling that you have no solid foundations and that there is uncertainty on your direction and the outcome of your plans; you may be feeling lost, victim of the circumstances, confused and ungrounded. Nothing feels certain.

Add into the energy mix the Solar and Lunar eclipse (8th and 23rd of March) this month is guaranteed to be transformational for everyone! So let’s take a deep breath and drop now into our hearts.

The 1st Key for this month is Trust!

Can you surrender to the ocean? Can you truly trust that the motion of the waves will get you to the most perfect place? Can you surrender into the Cosmic Ocean of your Spirit?

Fears and past negative experiences, worrying and trying to control everything may be hindering your inner trust. Is this true for you? Then this is your time to clear such limiting patterns from your energy field and experience more flow and ease.

The 2nd Key is Intuition and Inner Guidance!

Intuition and inner guidance is accessible to everyone at this period in a much easier way, although you may need to connect to it more consciously. While the dreams of the heart, emotions, thoughts and the time factor blend together you will find it useful to connect regularly with your inner self and spiritual guides to gain more clarity.

Emotional wounds and deep soul traumas may surface this period that are asking to be released, especially during the days of the eclipses where the energy is more intense. If you are practising any healing modalities, meditation or other spiritual practices can be of great service at this time in helping you clearing your energy and negative emotions.

With clearer energy and alignment we can make more authentic and wise decisions with clarity. This leads us to the next key.

The 3rd Key is Truth!

This key is prompting us to re-connect to our Truth. Due to the surge of deep emotions and the massive influences from the collective, our personal fears or blockages we may have deviated from our core or Truth. Revisit the core of your Truth in order to make proper internal and external practical adjustments. Redefine your intentions in order to bring more joy and peace in your life.

While we pass through this transformation we find very supportive the energies of Secret Alchemy Roll-Ons​​. Here are the ones we personally use for this particular month and they can help you too.

1st Key – Trust: Ascended Master El Morya​.​

2nd Key – Inner Guidance: Ascended Master Serapis Bey​.​

3rd Key – Truth: Ascended Master St. Germain​.​
Love and light to all,

Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou​
