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Goldenlight is a receiver and transmitter of higher dimensional information and messages and a “star channel” for the higher dimensions, including the Council of Angels and the Pleiadian Council. Her mission is to bring in information from the higher frequencies and Angelic realms and to create spiritually-inspired art to assist and uplift humanity during this time of great enlightenment and transition to the higher dimensions. Her website, thegoldenlightchannel.com, brings in higher frequency information for the Golden Age upon New Earth.

All original artwork and messages on this site are copyrighted ©The Golden Light Channel, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. All original artwork ©The Golden Light Channel. Images may not be reproduced or distributed without prior permission from the artist unless there is a link back to the original page on www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Message repostings must include this copyright and credit at top and bottom of post and include the entire message without alteration when re-posting. Permission is not granted to use these messages in custom YouTube videos, any copyright violation of this will result in a copyright infringement.