++The Arcturians via Daniel Scranton, Nov. 8, 2017

The Arcturians via Daniel Scranton, November 8th, 2017

Andromedan Upgrades & Downloads ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We brought forth a tremendous amount of energy, and you have all demonstrated an ability to absorb and assimilate that energy. Now you have a new opportunity to receive from some of our galactic partners.

There are beings from the Andromedan Star System who want to help, and their energy is quite different. It is quite dissimilar to our energy and to your own, and so as you receive it you may feel that you are not in alignment. You may feel, for a time, as though you are experiencing more ascension symptoms, tiredness, and disorientation.

The good news is that with your Andromedan upgrades and downloads, you will be able to access parts of yourself that you didn’t even know existed. You will have new perspectives and a myriad of guidance coming from within you, and the entire experience is going to elevate your frequency and make you more available to other extra-terrestrial beings for contact.

You are moving beyond where we expected you to be at this point, and especially those of you who are awakened, for you are the ones leading the human collective. You are the ones taking humanity beyond where any of us in the higher realms thought you would be at this time. You can pat yourselves on the back, and you can give yourselves plenty of rest and relaxation in order to keep up with these Andromedan energies.

There is something quite jarring about receiving so much, but the growing pains are symptoms that you are releasing that which no longer serves you in the process. You are capable of opening yourselves up and receiving so much energy and information, and you are still just dipping your toes into the waters. Soon enough, however, you will feel the positive ramifications of all of this, and you will integrate all aspects of yourself, making you the beautiful whole beings that you always intended to be in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”