Mother Divine via Galaxygirl, October 27th, 2018

Mother Divine via Galaxygirl, October 27th, 2018

Greetings dear children, it is your Mother God. I see you children. I see your weary faces and blistered feet and I tell you that you are loved beyond measure! You are my precious children with my heart breath infused within your very heart space, where I reside, and whether or not you accept this truth, it is true! You all have my handprints all over you. You, my precious brave children, who have fought so valiantly for so long, are weary tonight. I see it. I feel it. I want you to feel my comfort now upon you.

Sit and be still now, if you can. Climb into my open arms and sit in my lap and rest your head against my chest. Feel my heart beat in rhythm with that of your own and be at peace. This is how I send love to my children, in a way how galaxies are created – with my breath, with my love. Be nurtured, be comforted this day, this night, wherever you are on Mother Gaia, and know that your efforts are well worth the effort and your victory is assured. For you are my heart and I am calling you homewards to me. Let the love light tsunami – my breath – let it in to you, and children, be the wave. Be this light. Be this love to the others and in so doing my handprints of love will reach out and touch the others, spreading my light and my love.

Be at peace. You have triumphed. Spread the light, be the light and know that I am coming for you, and I’m already here. See? You’re siting in my lap! There is no separation. You create all the time children. Create love. Create light. And instantly you will find yourselves at home with me. For there is nothing to fear. Fear is an illusion of lack of me. It of course cannot be true for I am in everything. Father and I hold you close this night, this precious evening. Have you all noticed the illusion of time being stretched like taffy and have you felt pulled and misplaced? The matrix is collapsing. The new crystalline matrix is being formed right under your feet! Can you feel it? Yes, tap in. Walk barefoot on Gaia and sing her a love song and she will comfort your weary feet, sending refreshing energies. Send light to her kingdoms and be my healing hands on her body. Perform reiki on her form, love each other. Children, be my wave. Be me, in form. For you already are. Can you see? We’re here! We did it!

I am your Mother God and oh, children, my precious ones, I touch my nose to yours and I gaze deeply into your eyes. Do you know what I see? I see endless possibilities of joy and unending creations that you have yet to explore, and I see perfection. The courageous part of this is to in turn see the perfection – see me – in the others and enjoy letting the 3D disappointments slip away. These energies are lighter, and you children are becoming lighter. You are becoming your light bodies in form – a rare and exciting feat and treat! Savor this experience, this uniquely delicious sensation of being within a changing – morphing – physical form and enjoy the journey. Remember you are never alone. I am with you always. I am your Mother God. Now go and spread my light to the others and be in joy. I am your Mother God.

~ galaxygirl