Christmas Blessings From The Galactic Federation

My beautiful family of light,
The Galactic Federation Ground Crew wishes you and your loved ones joyful and merry holidays!
Please, remember, it's ascension time for planet earth!
And ascension is made possible by humanity coming together in unity, oneness, and love.
Today I ask that you shift your perspective and look at the whole picture.
The way things were going humanity would have needed hundreds of years to evolve and be ready for ascension but we don't have hundreds of years for that!
So, crisis and chaos are needed for people to rethink and examine their values now.
And anything that threats our values as human beings will force us to come together in unity.
When a hurricane destroys homes, neighbors and strangers come together in unity, hold each others hands, care for one another, and rebuild together. Without expectations and with love.
You are not alone. We are many. We are in every city of every country in the world!
And any outside threat will create an even stronger bond in love, compassion, and oneness.

Welcome to the great (R)Evolution of the human race!

This is the victory of light over darkness.
Put your worries aside and be in joy these days.
There's time to pull up sleeves to do the work and there's a time to celebrate. This time is now. Focus on love and have merry festivities with your loved ones.

Troubles come and go. Love stays forever. :)
You are beautiful.
You are powerful.
You got this.
I love you.
Love, Light & Infinite Blessings,
Aurora Ray & Your Galactic Federation Ground Crew