The Elemental Realm~Fairies,Earth Spirits,Unicorns



Dear friends, I was searching for comprehensive information on the elemental realm and found bits and pieces here and there…..I may bring in a message about this realm in the future! Faeries or fairies, unicorns, sprites, gnomes, earth spirits, and more, are in this higher dimensional realm. A realm of magic, wisdom, harmony with nature, and love.
Love, Goldenlight



Elementals …


Elementals are Earth Spirits and/or Nature Angels who rule over the flowers, plants, trees, soil, sand, rocks, stones and crystals, and all living beings. Nature angels or Elementals live among plants, water and animals and are responsible for the therapeutic effect related to nature and the outdoors.

One of the reasons why we feel so good when we are around plants, flowers, animals and nature in general is because of these powerful healing angels, known as the ‘Elemental Kingdom’. Every living creature and natural elements (such as water and rocks) has guardian angels of different kinds. There are many different types of beings in the Elemental Kingdom, including ‘mythical creatures’ such as leprechauns, elves, fairies, sylphs, mermaids, brownies and tree-people.

Elementals create abundance and balance on the Earth and are to be revered, respected and appreciated. Elemental Earth spirits teach us how to nourish ourselves and live in abundance and with balance and harmony. This entails living responsibly with regard to all life forms on the planet. We are able to bring abundance and stability to every area of our lives by focusing on the powerful energy that flows around us every moment of our lives.

Fairies can be found wherever there are plants and/or animals. They may often appear as tiny, twinkly colored lights or swirling mists. Fairies are the Elementals who are primarily involved with animals and pets, and also with healing humans. Each animal has a guardian angel, so when you are with your pets you are also interacting with your pet’s angels. Animals have fairies as their guardian angels and animals and birds who live in or upon water have ‘sylphs’ as their guardian angels. Fairies can also act as guardian angels for people whose life purpose involves nature, ecology and land conservation as well as animal welfare.

Fairies help us to release negative energies, thoughts and thought-forms that we may have absorbed or caused by our own means (eg. worrying) and/or from the energies and influences of others we may come in contact with. When out in nature, ask the fairies to surround you with their healing energies. Nature spirits help us to understand our place in the world, and the rhythms of nature. Tree and plant spirits have the power to heal all of our ills and ailments if we choose to positively work in unison with them.

Air Elementals are the spirits of the air. They have the ability to carry our prayers and affirmations to the angelic and higher realms. Air is light, free and flexible. As it is invisible it cannot be seen other than by its effects. Most life forms on Earth need air to exist and live. Sylphs encourage and increase our mental prowess and intuitive abilities, creative imagination, communication and inspiration. Creatures of the air such as birds and butterflies lighten our hearts and minds. Birds and the wind bring us many subtle messages.

Water spirits rule over the water and tend to the creatures that dwell within this realm. Water spirits teach us to cleanse and balance our emotions and teach us to ‘go with the flow’. Water spirits or Elementals teach us about adapting to different situations with grace. Water has many hidden messages as it is receptive and carries the messages of the areas it passes through and whatever it touches along the way.

Fire Elementals or spirits, often seen as Salamanders, guard the secrets of the transformational energy of fire and are often found in large numbers around volcanoes.

Fire spirits teach us about the dynamic energy of our life-force; that spark of ‘divine fire’ that resides in us all. This life-force or ‘divine fire’ within calls us towards the light and awakens our latent spirituality as fire has the ability to purify, burn, cleanse and destroy the ‘old’ so that the ‘new’ may emerge. Creative fire inspires and encourages spiritual fortitude. The lightening flash of fire is the ultimate as it brings unprecedented spiritual growth and soul illumination.

Earth Divas often work with humans and are the guardians of sacred sites and ancient groves and temples. Elementals work closely with the angels of sacred sites and help us to understand the aspects of life that our ancestors new instinctively – the importance of the co-relations between the phases of the Moon, the Seasons and the tides. These Elementals or Earth Divas can teach us about both personal and planetary healing and also teach us to raise our own vibrational rate, that of others and the Earth itself.

The nature kingdom also has the ‘mineral realm’ which includes crystals, rocks and stones. Crystals are a wonderful tool for connecting with the angelic realm as they have the ability to amplify angelic energy. They increase the signal strength of communications and the healing energies from our angels.

Gemstones and crystals have an amazing capacity to absorb, reflect, store and radiate light in the form of intelligent fields of energy that increase the flow of vital life-force within the human physical body as well as the subtle or ‘etheric’ body. Crystal and gemstones are able to restore balance and stability and many crystals have properties which are aligned with the angelic realm. Such crystals include:

Clear Quartz:

Clear communication from the angels and the spirit realm.

Rose Quartz:

Used to open the Heart Chakra. The more your Heart Chakra opens, the more you will be open to receiving love into your life.


Sugalite is often called the ‘Love Crystal’ as it elicits a warm feeling of high vibrational love. Sugalite is wonderful for opening the Throat Chakra so that you are able to communicate more clearly.


Amethyst has an extremely high vibration and opens the Crown Chakra, which is the energy base for ‘claircognizance’ or ‘clear knowing’.


Moonstone increases your spiritual frequency and vibratory rate, and can also assist with obtaining a better connection with the high energy level of the angelic realm.

Lapis Lazuli:

Lapis is useful in awakening clairvoyant abilities, enabling one to see the non-physical world and higher dimensions.


Labradite is wonderful in raising the frequency of your intuition, enabling one to rise above the lower-self beliefs and to be able to see things from a higher perspective.


Elementals are also handy fixers and healers of electrical and mechanical tools and equipment.








Welcome to the realms of Fairies, Elementals, Nature Spirits, Unicorns, Dragons, Crystal Skulls, Goddesses, Ascended Masters, Angels and Star Beings.


Unicorns are one of the most beautiful elementals to encounter and work with.  These beautiful white horses with golden manes and horns protruding form their foreheads are the consciousness of pure love, which they radiate out onto the land.  They can have profound healing roles to help humans too. Their gift to us as a race is unconditional divine love which can be accessed by all who ask.

Unicorns are shy elementals however and if you come across an area of unicorn energy (usually found in birch woods) you have to wait to be invited by them before you make an introduction.  During the course of writing the unicorn chapter in my book, I was blessed to receive many unicorn healing.  Unicorns wish at this time to help humans remember and accept unconditional love.  They will heal your heart of past and current trauma as well as filling your body with the radiant glow of love.  Profound healings can happen for humans who access and work with unicorn energy.

Unicorn Message:

“Now on earth more than ever the unicorns are sending down their powerful divine love to transmute the fear that has gripped planet earth.   We flock to those who acknowledge us and our role here on earth.  Call on us to heal your heart, take away past heartache and open you up to a new inflow of divine love available to all who dwell on the planet now.  For the time has come for the unicorns to return to earth to offer lightworkers wisdom and benefit our experience in high vibrational healings.  We ask that you carry rose quartz when you wish us to heal you and allow us to twirl our horns of light around you showering you in the many colour frequencies you require as you ascend at this important time on earth.  Be still, let go of your fears and concerns and connect to the unicorn energy which is within, within each one of you just ready to access.”

Unicorn Meditations

Working with the Unicorn Ascension Spheres allows you to connect to the pure consciousness of the unicorn realm. This great new meditation tool creates a vortex of energy which will relax you and allow a stillness to enter even the most frantic mind.  While working with the Unicorn Ascension Sphere sets I have recorded a series of unicorn meditations which I have channelled through from my guardian unicorn Freisha.  I have uploaded one here for you to download and listen too free. You can find more information on the Ascension Spheres and purchase them by clicking here.  More information on unicorns is available in my book Messages from Nature’s Guardians and I will be running workshops on working with them shortly.

Guardian Unicorns

I found when I was writing my book that I had many Guardian Elementals around me performing a role similar to Guardian Angels.  Since I have been running Elemental workshops often people have a Unicorn Guardian Elemental.  That Unicorn is personal to you and can be communicated with similarly to a Guardian Fairy or Angel.  They will have a name and a reason for being with you in this life time. I will shortly be recording my Guardian Elemental Meditation for you to download allowing you to find out the elementals you have around you.