8 of November

Classes November 2016
Dear Family of Light:
Greetings! May the force be with you! May the force for good, for the light be with us all when we have our elections November 8th! 
According to Gordon Asher Davidson, author of "The Transfiguration of our World," this is a "destiny election" where get to choose either the light or the dark. It is a bigger choice than just for our country and expands to our entire planet, galaxy, and further. We are in transition, dear friends, and both candidates are powerful beings representing two sides of consciousness. You can watch his latest "Galactic News" by going to: youtubegalacticnewsGordonAsherDavidsonOctober82016.Gordon will be doing another presentation for Galactic News on November 5 at 10:00AM Pacific Time. It will also be on YouTube.
Although it can be challenging not to let the current political situation get you down, please realize that what goes down must come back up. We are in the process of raising the consciousness of the whole planet. This is a big deal. We are at a major choice point. Everyone is making choices if they want to live in love or hatred, fear and greed, etc. We can see the demise of patriarchy all the way from the Bill Cosby exposure to Trump's behaviors. The divine feminine energy needs healing and so does the masculine. The good old boy network is falling apart.
We have help aplenty from the light alliance, the galactic alliance, the planets, Prime Source, the sun, the earth and the millions of lightworkers on the planet. In the future we will be living from our hearts not our heads. I once heard that our planet was originally named "Heart" but it was changed to earth. Check out the same letters were used in both words. What happened to our hearts?
Little by little the truth is being told. Even my six year old granddaughter knows there is much to be learned. Recently she said, "Grammy, there's so much I want to know." I asked her "Like what?" She remarked, "I want to know what really happened to the dinosaurs."
As we progress into the fourth dimension the intensity and speeding up of time will continue to accelerate. It is paramount that we do our inner work and clear the old 3D issues that have occupied our emotions, fears and inner child with separated consciousness. We need to claim our own new truths that we are done with 3D and are new higher consciousness beings. (I can help with this if you need assistance. Please call me at 925-287-8976 or e-mail me at vdonner99@gmail.com)
On the Halloween funny side of things, I recently did a meditation in a place that used to be a jail and is purportedly still haunted with beings. In the beginning of the meditation I heard the words "blood suckers", which are not in my channeling dictionary. It seems that even those trapped in the lower worlds are looking for light and healing. Boo and blessings to all.
November classes are:
Monthly Meeting with the Masters, Wednesday, November 2, 7:00-9:00PM, $30. In this class we work with the energies of whatever master wants to come and be with us at the time. We do three rounds of meditation that take us deeper into communication with the master. We have healing and lovely experiences in these classes. We use crystal bowls and Tibetan bowls too.
Mother Mary channeling, Wednesday, November 9, 7:00-9:00PM, $25. Mother Mary represents the divine feminine energy. She does a 45 minute presentation along with the Master St. Germain, and then gives you an opportunity to ask personal questions.
Ground Crew Transfiguration Meditation Conference Call, Saturday November 12, 10:00AM Pacific Time, 45 minutes.
Dial 712-770-4010 use Acess Code 113-815 
Meditation and Healing Circle, Tuesday, November 15, 7:00-8:30PM, $20, at Awakenings, 200 Ray St. Pleasanton, CA.
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Channeling, Wednesday, November 30, $25 7:00-9:00PM. In the most recent Mira channeling she painted a picture for us about what life will be like living in the 5th dimension and higher. What we have to look forward to and co-create together is heartwarming and phenomenal.
Have a mild and placidly fun Halloween and a wonderful Thanksgiving for those in the U.S.
Blessings, love and de-light,