

Which Is Your Strongest Intuitive Gift?

By Anna Sayce, annasayce.com/which-is-your-strongest-intuitive-gift/

If you’ve read any of my other articles you’ll probably notice I’ve been banging on about the importance of finding out your intuitive gifts. This is because intuition or psychic ability is not just one gift – it’s actually made up of four gifts – clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance.

The chances are, you have innate abilities in one or two of these gifts. The chances also are that one or two of the above gifts you do not have yet. Your intuition will be difficult and slow to develop if you try to develop a gift that you don’t have yet and neglect the gifts you do have. So that’s why it helps to start your journey of intuitive development knowing what you’re naturally good at.

Here is a quiz to help you to find out what gifts you have:

Clairvoyance is the ability to ‘see’ Spirit

• Do you dream in colour and with vivid images?

• When you’re doing creative work, like designing something and deciding how you want something to look, do you get a clear image in your head of it?

• When you close your eyes, can you clearly see any object of your choosing? For example, visualize a bicycle. Can you see it in your mind’s eye? (Natural clairvoyants usually have an easy time than most at visualizing).

• Do you get visual solutions to problems in your mind’s eye?

• Are you very visually/artistically creative?

• Do you ever see lights or auras around people when you’re speaking to them?

• Do you ever see things moving in the corner of your eye?

Clairaudience is the ability to hear your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and other extra-sensory input

• Have you ever had a voice clearly direct you to do something and it turned out to be helpful or accurate?

• Have you ever heard ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears?

• Do you hear voices upon waking or going to sleep?

• Do you sometimes hear music playing in your head?

• Do you wake up in the morning with a song in your head?

• Have you ever heard anything outside of you, such as whispering, music or voices when there was no-one there?

• Do you get words popping into your head fully formed which are relevant or solutions to difficulties you’re having?

Clairsentience is intuition in the form of emotional input, physical feelings or gut feelings

• Do you get tingling sensations on your body for no reason?

• Do you feel your emotions very deeply?

• Can you feel the emotions of others?

• Do you need a lot of time alone to recharge your energetic batteries?

• Are you sensitive and thin-skinned?

• Do you have an ‘F’ in your Myers-Briggs type (F for feeling)?

• Do you know what’s the right path to take according to how it feels to you?

Claircognizance is when intuitive information just pops into your head

• Are you very analytical and thinking-oriented?

• Can you be skeptical – does your mind often have the final say in things?

• Do you get lots of great ideas seemingly out of nowhere?

• Are you mentally and creatively inspired on a regular basis?

• Are you good at solving problems and lateral thinking?

• Are you often making subtle assumptions which turn out to be true?

• Are you sizing up people and knowing things without being told?

• Do you know that things are going to happen ahead of time?

• Do you come across as a know-it-all because you always think of an answer to the difficult questions of life?

• Do you know how others are feeling without needing to ask?

• Can you feel tension in the air when there’s been an argument?

• Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed that there are so many people on Earth who are suffering, and wish you could do something about it?

• Do you often feel overwhelmed in social interactions because you are so absorbed in observing others’ feelings and experiences?

• Do you identify deeply with other peoples’ problems and difficulties? (and this sometimes means you over-identify with other people, and sacrifice your own needs in order to help others)

• Do you often remember your dreams?

• Do you wake up from dreams feeling like you learned or ‘realized’ something?

• Have you ever had a dream where a deceased loved one showed up?

• Have you ever had a lucid dream or an astral projection experience?

• Are your dreams rich in interesting symbolism?

Now add up how many times you said yes to statements in each category. Did you say ‘yes’ to some statements in one or two categories in particular?
More tips to find out which gifts you have

1. Experiment. Try exercises to awaken each clair. For starters, I have a few suggestions for what to try in each of my articles about clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. You may notice that one of the exercises is really easy for you and awakens something in your perception.

2. Notice where you’re already using your natural gifts. Remember the times when you actually have received some intuitive guidance – how did it come? Was it visual, auditory, emotional or kinesthetic? If you can’t really remember any such times, I’ve formulated a little quiz, which is below, to jog your memory. Note how many times you say yes to a statement in each of the four categories.

Which are the most common psychic gifts?

I offered a free mini reading for several months where I’d tell you which intuitive gift you have out of the four mentioned above. I did between 600 and 700 of these mini readings. I found that Claircognizance and clairsentience are really common gifts. The vast majority of people I read for have one of these gifts as either their primary or secondary intuitive gift. These gifts are usually classed as ‘intuition’ and they can be very subtle, which is why they can often go unnoticed.




By Soul Scienceisoulscience.com/2015/03/which-spiritual-gifts-are-your-strongest/

We are familiar with our 5 physical senses- sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch, but we also have a set of spiritual senses that can help us navigate how our intuition functions.

We are all born with a “sixth sense” that helps us to understand the unseen world. Each gift may manifest differently to each individual person. One person may have the gift of clairvoyance while another may be clairsentient.

All it takes is tapping into these “6th senses” and knowing how to use the gifts.  Below are the descriptions of the 4 most common spiritual gifts or senses one can develop.

Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing): Is the ability to see into the future including prophetic visions which may come as lucid dreams, or prophetic dreams. Prophecies may come as flashes of insight mid day or premonitions in the spiritual or physical world.  Ability to see orbs or spirits in waking state as well as the ability to strongly analyze body language, including the ability to pick up on emotions and vibrations held in the auric field of others.

Clairaudience: (Clear Hearing): the ability to hear and receive messages from the spirit world, with the ability to hear past what is being said in the physical state of another. This comes with the ability to hear another persons heart.  The ability to hear past what someone is actually saying and into what they really think and feel. Very good at analyzing what other people. Often hears ringing or buzzing in the ears and can be strongly effected by sounds around them. Once progressed those who have the gift of clear hearing can develop their abilities into “telepathy”. Where the individual will be able to hear the heart of another as if the words were spoken from their mouth.

Clairsentience (Clear Feeling): is the ability to know precisely how someone is feeling, is able to sense when something is wrong. Prone to goosebumps or can feel tingly for no reason. Often known as empaths, they can tune into others emotions and feel them as if they were their own emotions. Very sensitive to others energy and could feel drained or overwhelmed when in social situations.

Claircognizance (Clear Knowing): the feeling of “knowing” without any physical evidence or proof. Often there is a feeling of certainty about a situation or person. Often knows what others are going to say before they say it and can always share information about topics they would previously know nothing about. They are in-tune with their spirit guides or higher self and may have always known there is more than meets the eye in this world.