Ascended Masters within the Councils of the Cosmic

Living as a 5th Dimensional Master
An illumined, 5th dimensional master is never confined by the need to be right or the need to have anything be one way or the other. They know that this leads to pain and suffering and that their peace can only be sustained if their lives are not dependent ...on their likes or dislikes or on whatever may be taking place in the outer world. They are always open to the highest solution that will serve the greatest number and they are never limited by the illusions that are so prevalent in the duality programming that has been running your 3rd dimensional world. They know that the only true authority is God, so they are constantly open to listening and being illumined by their Presence. They are always following the path of love while consciously choosing to abide in ongoing oneness with the Heart and Mind of the Creator.

~ Ascended Masters within the Councils of the Cosmic