*****Learning to ground and Connect With The Earth


By Reiki with Friends


A spirit-inspired guest post by Brad Austen.


Grounding is an important practice to help you feel balanced, safe and connected. It is sometimes called Earthing, but means the same thing.

There are many situations in life that can throw you off-center and create imbalance. Some of these can include stress, alcohol, drugs (including medication), and if you are particularly sensitive, other people and large crowds.

Thankfully, there are many ways to center and ground yourself.

These can include eating certain foods, particularly organic foods that have been grown in the earth, spending time in nature, preferably barefoot, and through meditation.

A grounding meditation that utilizes visualization is best for this purpose.

Grounding is Important

EarthingApart from indigenous communities still living a traditional lifestyle, by and large, the developed world has lost its connection with the earth.

Wild animals have kept this connection and it is often said that they are seen fleeing an area before a natural disaster such as an earthquake. They are ‘in-tune’.

As humanity is raising its collective conscious, we are strengthening our connection with Mother Earth, or Gaia.

Although this is a gradual process for most individuals, babies that are being born now are born with this advanced awareness and connection.

It is harder for adults that were born in older energies to make this shift, but not impossible if this is their desire and intention.

Eating the right sort of foods, including a lot of organic fruit and vegetables, will not only keep you fit and healthy, but also help with grounding.

Sometimes people put on extra weight to assist their grounding when going through theirascension process, which also acts as extra protection as more of your spirit is downloaded and integrated into your physical body. As you know, regular exercise can help to maintain a healthy weight and keep your physical body healthy.

Grounding to Mother EarthWhile there are many activities you can do to help keep you grounded, there are many common lifestyle choices that make you ungrounded.

One of the biggest ways to become ungrounded is to drink alcohol or use drugs regularly. Astral entitles can also attach themselves to you while under their influence, creating imbalance and emotional disturbances. Some crimes are committed this way, by an unbalanced individual under the influence of dark astral entities, as a result of alcohol and drugs.

As we go through our individual and collective shift, and the light on the planet increases, it becomes more important for all of us to stay balanced and grounded.

Step-By-Step Grounding Exercise

The following is a step-by-step grounding exercise, which can be practiced as many times as you like, day or night.

  • Either sit or stand with your feet flat on the floor. If you find it preferable, go outside and take your shoes and socks off, placing your feet on the ground.
  • Visualize in the center of the soles of your feet a small round chakra. Visualize this chakra opening and imagine a white cord coming out and running down into the earth below.
  • Visualize this cord connecting with your earth star chakra about a meter under the surface of the earth. You may like to imagine this chakra beginning to spin as you connect with it.
  • Now, visualize the white cord travelling deeper into the earth. This grounding cord travels into the center of the earth where it wraps around the core of Mother Earth. You may like to visualize this core as a sphere.
  • When your grounding cord is connected to the center of the Earth, begin to draw up some of this energy; up through the grounding cord and into your feet.
  • Focus on this connection for about 5 to 10 minutes, or until you feel grounded and connected to Mother Earth.
  • When you feel ready, visualize the grounding cord detaching from the core of the earth and slowly travelling back up into your earth star chakra.
  • You may like to leave the grounding cord connected to your earth star chakra for the rest of the day or night, or until you practice this exercise again.

That is how simple it is to Ground yourself with a Visualization Meditation.

With practice, it will become easier to make this connection and also sustain this connection throughout your day. Great healing can also take place with regular grounding and awakening of one’s psychic ability, via visualization and connection with the earth.

Brad AustenSpirit inspired messages by Brad Austen…
Brad Austen is an intuitive meditation teacher who has trained extensively in Psychic Development and Mediumship. He brings this spiritual wisdom to his guided meditations, creating a unique experience for the listener.
For more information please click Brad Austen, or visit his personalMeditation website.

