Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, Octo. 28, 2017

Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, October 28th, 2017

Judas Iscariot

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Channel: Ann Dahlberg


I am Judas Iscariot and I understand that you are all impatient to start up your work, but everything has to happen in synchronicity with everything else. This is in regards to, as Sananda said through this channel at a meeting with other lightworkers, that it is done both on a political, individual and collective level. You have a job to do to develop yourselves and in this way spread it on a collective level. At the same time many different forces work on a political level. The collective field has much importance for this success. The stronger the collective field becomes the quicker developments on Earth become. It is through your existence in the light that the light spreads on Earth. All people who are aware have a task to stand strong in their own light. It has an effect many miles around. You spread it in the earth, the air and the water. The light is the fire that you spread through the different elements. You have a bigger contribution than many think they have. It is you who change the world dear children on Earth, just by holding your light high and clear. Do not let anybody disturb the light and the love that lives in your heart. It is the most beautiful and finest that you have. This is where it has started and it then spreads outwards all around in your world.

Do not be discouraged. Be firm in your belief in yourselves and that which is happening in your world. Be patient, your patience has been tested hard, but know and feel that you are on the right path and the light will stand as the victor in this time period. Do not let doubt lower your energies and thereby shade your light. Take back your power, your energy and faith. It is then that you feel the victory on your lips and it is then that you actually can see the large change that already has happened on our Earth. Your most important task right now is to hold the light high and then everything else will be taken care of. This can happen in many different ways. There are many solutions and the one that happens is the best one for humanity and the planet you live on. You decide in which manner this will happen with your own light that brightens up this planet a bit everywhere on Earth. Come together and work with the light dear children. In large or small groups it shines even brighter and clearer. You are a part of this transformation. You are one with Mother Earth – all of her earth, water and air. Wherever you go forward you see the changes there already. Use your fantasy and envision that your New World already is standing ready and you will then discover that it actually does. This might sound a bit too wonderful for your eyes, but nevertheless it is true.

Incredible things are happening on Earth today so have faith dear children on Earth. Trust and have faith and keep the light high in your heart. It is this that is required from you. Do what you can in order for yourselves and Earth to do well. Take care of yourselves and do what you can in order to strengthen your own light and your own faith in the light that now has reached Earth and which awakens everything that is ready to be woken up. You are beginning to become a considerably sized group of lightworkers on Earth and this reinforces continuously the collective field. The dark does not have many places to left to go. It is all the time pushed back by the light. So everything is to your advantage dear children on Earth. So hold the light high and be strong in your faith. The game has started and you will soon all be able to join in. It will change the politics in flash and something completely different will stand by the door.

Be true, faithful and trusting and your cup will be filled to the brim. All this is happening now my dear friends, everything is happening now… Open up your eyes and you will understand what is happening.

I leave you now in true love,
