Frequency Rising

Frequency Rising

Greetings to you! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

The frequency of Earth continues to rise by the minute. Through the many portals activated on Earth, ancient vortexes, and especially through the lightworkers, who serve as beacons of light. The waves of life are going to transform into a storm in the Third Dimension in this year of 2024.

There are those with different agendas and major distractions who want total control of the planet. This will not occur. We ask that no matter the events taking place, you keep your focus on love. Understanding that this is the end of the matrix built to harness the energies of the collective, the end of its structures of enslavement. More powerful energies are on the way, that are to be felt even by the ones most asleep, and they too shall rise.

Your emergence into the higher timelines can be a very easy transition. However, the first step to change is being aware of the current situation, and accepting what is. Followed by letting of what has served its purpose. And what has served its purpose for the evolutionary process of mankind is everything which has led to the current version of reality.

From 12,000 years ago, to the industrial era, everything in between, and even the current digital era, all have completed and served their purpose for the Collective. Now it appears that one is collapsing(industrial), another is advancing(digital) but not for the benefit of humanity. This is because you are meant to transcend the version of reality where technology is used to further enslave the the world.

In order to rise, into a new realm, you must be willing to shift your focus, away from the old Third Dimensional systems, become open to spiritual change and evolution, and begin to feel the very essence of your being that is seeking something more expansive and in alignment with the Universal force that keeps the stars in balance.