Archangel Michael: Attuned to the Energies

Archangel Michael: Attuned to the Energies

Channel: Christine B.

Our message for today is one of understanding that this is a very special time in your world. Those of you who are attuned to the energies around you have been aware that tremendous shifts are taking place. Those of you who study the earth’s resonance have seen tremendous changes. Those of you who pay attention to the energies as they are expressed in your physical world are aware that great changes are taking place.

But even if you are not sensitized to energy, even if you do not attend to energy, you have witnessed and felt tremendous changes in your physical world. This is a time of awakening. This is a time of growth, of expansion, of light. The shift has caused chaos and difficulties in your world. But the shift is ultimately a benefit to all who walk in light.

Know that this is the time for all of you to embrace this change. Know that this is the time for all of you to embrace love, embrace faith, embrace all that is of the light. Some are having difficulty letting go of the dark ways of the past. Some are fighting to retain the ways of the past. But they fight in vain. The dark ways of the past are coming to an end. You are on a path that will bring goodness to your world. It will take time, but the process has begun. It will take time, but now there is no turning back.

Your role is to light the way with love. Only love will chase the darkness. Only love will lead the way to a world where each spirit who incarnates will expand and grow. Your world is filled with beauty and resources to support this energetic expansion. It is the true purpose of your world. You, my dears, are the wayshowers. You are the ones who have walked in faith, walked in love, walked in peace. You are the ones who are meant to lead your world into the light that is meant to be.

We leave you with love and blessings.

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