By Dee,

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Opal ~ Joy, from the Crystal Reading Cards, by Rachelle Charman

Opal ~ Joy

Opal Crystal Medicine: “Opal holds within it the magic and joy of the cosmos. It invites and encourages you to lighten up, relax, and have more fun in life – remember that your pure essence and organic nature is to feel joy. Take a moment to connect deeply with this wonderful crystal and feel the pure joy within your being.”

Opal Crystal Meaning:”Allows you to experience the love, joy and pure essence of the soul. Used in Aboriginal Dream time ceremonies to support and strengthen vision quests. Activates the thymus and allows you to enter into a sacred space of love and joy. Enhances joy, spontaneity, and flow. Encourages you to engage in the vibrant energy of life.”

Oracle Reading Message From The Opal Crystal Deva: “You have called upon this card today to remind yourself that the joyfulness of the Universe exists within you at all times. It is now time for you to truly experience the joy of life and of your soul. The devas of Opal are encouraging you to lighten up and stop being so serious about life – it is time to laugh and have some fun. Joy is one of the most powerful forms of healing and transformation. If you have been feeling a little low or under the weather, now is the perfect time to transform through this place into your joy once again. The devas of Opal are inviting you to live a little more in their world and rediscover the joy and laughter that feeds your soul. Have fun, dance, play, run, jump, let go, and get creative – do anything that ignites the joy within. This is an exciting and important time and you and your life deserve this time of celebration. The devas believe all life is to be honored and celebrated as often as possible because it is a true gift to be alive. They remind you that joy is your birthright and  your soul’s natural state of being. Allow the joy of the Universe to flow through you as you awaken to joy.”*

~ By Rachelle Charman

Where is your joy? Does it come out no matter what’s happening around you? Or does it hide until the stars come into alignment? What is it hinged to? Is it hinged to a person, place or thing? Money, beauty, body image or material possessions? A romantic partner perhaps? The perfect job or perfect house or fabulous vacation?

What if our entire purpose in life was just to find our inner joy, for none of the above reasons. Hinged on nothing and no one other than ourselves. Unwavering peace and calm… well most of the time anyway, way more than we are currently spending… after all, no one is perfect we are all still humans in this lifetime.

But when we put joy off into the future, we put all our dreams into the future too. We put our healing into the future. We put our success into the future. Some unknown day when we hope that everything will finally fall into place.

But what if we have it all backwards?

All of it.

There is no sitting around waiting for happiness to find us. There is no waiting for someone to come love us into it. There is nothing that can buy it or provide it… well, maybe temporarily but nothing lasting.

You have got to make it yourself. And it takes commitment. It takes mindfulness. It takes courage and determination. You have to be willing to peel back all the layers and get right into the core of your being. You have to come to terms with your downfalls. You have to make friends with your shadow. You have to let all that S*** GO. Once and for all.

And decide to be happy anyway. As much as you can. Detach from any drama and choose peace.

Find your joy and nurture it. When you truly do, it will grow exponentially. You will become a magnet for so much better and so much more.

And so it is.



~Archangel Oracle

*Crystal Reading Cards, by Rachelle Charman